Neonatal Nurse Practitioner SIG

The focus of the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) SIG is to support advanced neonatal clinical education, provide guidance for neonatal nursing clinicians interested in pursuing the NNP career pathway, and link NNPs and candidates together in a mentorship framework. The SIG aims to become a preferred source for expert commentary regarding the role for regulatory, professional and educational bodies within Australia.

We are keen to welcome new committee members and observers to our committee. Contact us for more information about this or any SIG matters. 


  • Chair: Jane Jones (NSW)
  • Secretary: Mariann Hennessy (NSW)
  • Assistant secretary: Jo Scott (Vic)
  • Treasurer liaison: Elayne Murray (WA)
  • Social media Liaison: Jenn Gallop (WA)
  • Ordinary Members: Miriam Long (SA), Louise Williamson (NSW), Silvina Sissing (Vic), Amy Curran (Qld), Gemma Yates (Qld), Barbara Monk (Qld), Jennifer Scott (Qld), Karen Hose (Qld), Petra Noble (SA), Donna Hillyard (Qld), Penny Janes (NSW), Clare O'Brien (ACT), Alexa Clarke (SA, Jane Langford (Qld).

NNPs have advanced neonatal nursing skills, fulfil the requirements of an approved Nurse Practitioner Master’s program and are endorsed as such by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Need flyers and more information for your workplace - check out available promotional flyers HERE. 

Interested in becoming a member? Complete the online membership application HERE. 

Keep up to date on activities and events via the ACNN Facebook page, the ACNN newsletter or news and events pages.


The NNP SIG runs the S.T.A.B.L.E COURSE from time to time. The 2024 dates will be advertised when available. 

Updated 22 March 2024