Australian Capital Territory

The ACT Branch is committed to the ACNN objectives of advancing the specialty of neonatal nursing and positively influencing care for neonates and their families.


  • Chair: Laura Briguglio
  • Secretary:  Lori Grlj
  • Assistant Secretary: Mekha Sam
  • Treasurer liaison: Sammy Donahoo
  • Ordinary Members: Margaret Broom, Mary-Ellen Youseman, Allana Carter, Louise Bottega and Clare O'Brien  

The ACT Branch coordinates local activity in support of ACNN and its strategic plan and provide networking for nurses within the ACT and surrounding region. The branch role includes providing professional development, open discussion and research opportunities within a supported forum for neonatal nurses to improve the holistic care provided to neonates and their families. These forums for discussion will encompass ACT health policy.

Need flyers and more information for your workplace - check out available promotional flyers HERE. 

Interested in becoming a member? Complete the online membership application HERE. Recurring monthly and yearly payments will be available commencing in May 2024. 

Keep up to date on activities and events via the ACNN Facebook page, the ACNN newsletter or news and events pages.

The ACT Branch holds seminars and education events throughout the year, which are on the events tab

Access member only information in the Members area

Updated 19 March 2024