The NeoSkin SIG provides a forum for discussion of practices that promote neonatal skin health and prevention and management of skin injury for neonates. Additionally, the SIG provides opportunity for neonatal nurses to explore and share quality improvement or research initiatives related to neonatal skin care and health. The skin is the largest organ of the human body and protecting skin is an essential element in providing care to well, preterm and sick newborns.
- Chair: Deanne August (Qld)
- Secretary: Lyn Chapple (Qld)
- Treasurer liaison: Judy Macey (Qld)
- Social media liaison: Stephanie Hall (Qld)
- Ordinary Members: Linda Ng (Qld), Rebecca MacPherson (NSW), Janene Douglas (Qld), Emma Yeomans (Vic), Ritsue Phillips (SA), Emily McCorquodale (NSW), Louise Murphy (NSW).
We are keen to welcome new committee members and observers to our committee from all areas around Australia. Contact us at for more information about this or any SIG matters.
Need flyers and more information for your workplace - check out available promotional flyers HERE.
Interested in becoming a member? Complete the online membership application HERE.
Keep up to date on activities and events via the ACNN Facebook page, the ACNN newsletter or news and events pages.
Access member only information in the Members area.
The NeoSkin produces and/or endorses newborn skin care resources produced for families and clinicians.
Please click on the links/documents to download
- MARSI (medical adhesive related injury) and removal techniques poster
- MARSI removal technique videos - 10 videos including an introduction on how to best remove adhesives dependent on their base and top layer. Videos are between 48 seconds and 3:44 long.
- Natural chemical free or organic for your baby
- Should I bathe my baby with water only?
Recommended reading: Conceptualising skin development diagrammatically from foetal and neonatal scientific evidence. Deanne August, Klazina Marie van der Vis, Karen New
Updated 22 March 2024