meaning new and natal meaning birth' refers to the neonatal period - the first 28 days of life.
The neonatal nurse is a registered nurse and/or midwife who through study and practice becomes an expert in the care of the preterm or sick
neonate cared for in neonatal units.
Neonatal nurses work in a variety of areas and their role encompasses clinical, educational, managerial and research aspects. The role also integrates with other roles relating to maternal and child health and is practised in a variety of settings. Work areas include, but are not limited to, Special Care Nursery (SCN)/Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), postnatal ward, neonatal emergency transport/rescue units (NETS/NeoResQ), or in the community.
It can be a challenging role, but is immensely rewarding and exciting.
Neonatal Nurses advocate for the provision of individualised, neuroprotective, developmentally and culturally appropriate, family-centred